42 This last year the school district’s theme was superheroes, a common theme used among education. However, I didn’t want to live in someone else’s imagination. I wanted to be my own superhero. Through a flow of conversations the name Lady Limitless was born. I had a graphic designer at my school design a logo for me. It was a mask in the shape of the infinity symbol but it had extra flair on the sides that looked like long winged eyelashes. So on my white board for the year were the words Lady Limitless and the number 42. 42 is the meaning of life of course. stefacam42@aol.com my very first email address. Stef, that’s my name, cam because I earned a living by filming sweet sixteens at the end of the 90’s and 42 because it is the meaning of life. At least that’s according to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Whatever 42 is, it was assigned to me. I went through my 20’s answering “why the 42” at the end of my email, I simply said “because it’s the meaning of ...