I am a Who looking for my Whoville

Dear G, I wake up with a smile on my face and love in my heart. I want to thank you for the strength you have helped me gain. The strength not to fear, the strength to smile while the Grinch steals my tree, my gifts and my food. I know my real gift is my love. The gift you have given me in the past two years is the belief that I will survive. I can go through the worst of the worst and I will survive. Its more about pure survival that has truly taught me how strong I am. When you survive your worst nightmare you know joy, you know happiness in the heart, you know appreciation for life. I now know that I can be stripped of everything but I can never be stripped of me. I will always have me and I will always have more to give. I don't know why no one wanted to hear me in 2015 or why she contacted me again in 2017. I don't know why the lawyer believes me now that he is a rapist of more than one and didn't believe me then. I don't know why she choose ...