Stepping into the Light

Oh anxiety how you slay me I can read a million books Practice silence everyday But when you have a mission to destroy my peace you swoop in with vengeance And you battle my mind, my stomach and my lungs. The words of wisdom and moments of retreat are geared up and ready to march. It used to take hours of uncontrollable tears to win the fight. It used to take pages of words spilled onto the battle field, leaving me empty and almost lifeless before it would end. I am stronger and you are weaker. You still grab hold of my mind, my stomach and my lungs. I still rock back and forth as the battle rages on but it no longer ends in a half dead body limp in the floor. It ends with courage and pride and peace. It ends with a happy confident heart that has remembered "This too shall pass" and "it's not real" and best of all "I am loved, I deserve peace and happiness" Drea...