
Showing posts from 2017

Spiritual Bullshit

Dear G, My spiritual journey has always been on the main stage of my life. From a very young age I knew exactly what was in my heart but as I looked around to find a box that my heart fit in I became discouraged. Everywhere I looked, every conversation I had left me frustrated and angry. How is it that every belief system has such strong convictions that they are right, everyone else is wrong and only a selected few are loved? How could there be so many different standards to live by? I had a father who strongly believed all religion is bad. Religion is at the core of all war. I don't think he is wrong but I don't think he is right. Power and control in the name of religion are at the core. I had a mom who taught meditation and gave many people a spiritual connection my entire life. The two of them never found the common ground between what they believed. I agreed with both of them and often, at a very young age, had to show them their agreement. They couldn't hear behi...

Stepping Stones

Dear Om,   I'm taking my power back. Staying distant has been the best thing for both of us.   For years I have been mad at you and every time I have expressed any kind of anger you shrug and make me believe you are not to blame. How could I even compare you to him. The two of you are separate, but are you?   I am was mad at you for the same reason Little Girl Lost is mad at me. Sure you weren't The Beast, you didn't directly hurt me, but you also chose blindness. I learned to close my eyes by watching you. I learned to ignore the truth the abuse by telling myself, well, it's not me doing it.   Om, I hear you saying to me "let go of your anger, forgive those who have hurt you" not once have you ever said sorry.  I have let go of my anger but I had to separate myself from you in order to see where you end and I begin.   I will not continue the cycle. My purpose is to live...

Stepping into the Light

Oh anxiety how you slay me I can read a million books   Practice silence everyday     But when you have a mission to destroy my peace you swoop in with vengeance   And you battle my mind, my stomach and my lungs.     The words of wisdom and moments of retreat are geared up and ready to march. It used to take hours of uncontrollable tears to win the fight. It used to take pages of words spilled onto the battle field, leaving me empty and almost lifeless before it would end.     I am stronger and you are weaker. You still grab hold of my mind, my stomach and my lungs. I still rock back and forth as the battle rages on but it no longer ends in a half dead body limp in the floor.     It ends with courage and pride and peace. It ends with a happy confident heart that has remembered "This too shall pass" and "it's not real" and best of all "I am loved, I deserve peace and happiness"   Drea...

In Retrograde

Dear Loose Ends, This Sagittarius retrograde has me looking at my goals ahead and what from my past needs to still be cleared in order to move toward those goals. The days recently, the days leading up to this time have brought my mind to familiar places of anger, frustration, sadness, jealousy and even control. My current loose ends are my emotional habits created from sexual abuse, codependency and mental health issues. The good news is that i haven't experienced these feeling for a couple of months. The other good news is as each approached and surfaced I allowed myself to feel them and then asked myself where is this coming from? The anger is easy that is the emotion to cover all other emotions, each habit of emotion turns into anger for me. This was the illusion of protection I created. If my emotions weren't seen they couldn't be used against me. I told myself (well I learned by example if I'm being honest) at a very young age, anger made me appear strong and ...

The Ones We Trust

Look for the helpers they tell us. To be honest with you I'm not even sure who I am mad at. I want to be mad at all men but I'm not. I love the man who is washing dishes in my kitchen right now even though he is cranky and moody with me. I love him everyday. Dear G, Maybe you can tell me who I should be mad at. The story goes like this....two years ago almost to the day I called the cops on my husband for raping an underage girl. The girl and I sat in my parents house and waited for them to show up. When the officers arrived I felt a little sense of relief that everything was going to be okay because the sergeant in charge that knocked on my parents door was a familiar face. He was the SRO (school resource officer) for at least 7 years with me. I saw him everyday. I was so happy to see him I pored my heart out. As the case unfolded I had called him a few times with information but he rarely returned my calls. I really didn't think anything of it. I heard rumors that...

You choose!

Little Girls Lost, Have you ever asked your self why have been raped three times? I didn't either, well, not until you came into my life. In my late teens and early 20's I always felt raped. It was very obvious that I didn't now what a relationship was, certainly not a healthy sexual relationship. I spent a lot of time just complying with the requests from boys and men. Honestly I didn't even know that there was enjoyment in sex. It was a chore more than anything else. There was only one time that I know for sure that I was raped as a young adult. I mean I said no plenty of times but I always complied so yea I was giving mixed messages. Was I a victim? The answer is most certainly yes but when was I victim? Look there is no denying there are predators out there that were created by a slew of things. I have so many theories. But when do I take responsibility for my own life or have I chosen to let other be in control of my destiny? Well up until you woke me up and ...

Step 4

Dear David Or should I call you Matt, I'm glad I have your attention. There is so much I have to say to you. First I would be lying if I didn't tell you that it certainly feeds my ego that you follow all of my social media and stalk by blog. I'm not going to censor myself and I feel bad you  still have the desire to "win". Anyway..... Let's go back to that day two years ago when I walked out. I am not sorry I left and never talked to you again. I am only sorry that it took me so long to get the courage to do so. I am truly embarrassed that I needed so much pain to be caused before I realized that was not the life I wanted. Now let's go back to when we met. This was the first time in my life I was experiencing freedom. I was living on my own, making my own money and I had a false sense of confidence because of it. I still didn't have any relationship confidence. Shit I didn't even know what that looked like. Emotionally, I was still codepend...

It's Not You It's Me

Dear John, Through the years you have changed. Your clothes changed, your hair, your height and even your gender. You made promises about loyalty and faith but we never got there. I told you over and over again what I didn't want. Over and over again you showed me exactly that. Your name changed many times, Sean, Jon, Rich, Kim, Amy, Jason, Darren, Adam, Anthony, Shirley, Jennifer, Stacy, Jessica and so on. Even though you changed on the outside everything on the  inside remained the same. Many years went by where I blamed you and I said no more. I told you I wasn't going to live like this. I screamed and I clawed. I cried and I prayed for you to make the real change I needed. Then one day I asked myself, "'what do you want". I had lived a very long time running from all the things that scared me. I knew the heart I didn't want to have. I knew the pain of emptiness and the despair of self hate but I never stopped to ask myself what I wanted. I started...

Step 3

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of god as we understand god. Okay right. yea, yea, yea. I do! I am still trying to control things. I just had a two week battle with my lawyer, I mean my ego because he wasn't getting the outcome he said he could. I felt helpless. I felt like I was once again put in a position to fight at the coercion of others and once again forced to make decisions with a limited bank of options. I was extremely angry that I found myself in this situation and I was starting to lose faith. I simply wrote the word faith over and over again. I painted it and I said it to myself everyday for two weeks. The case disappeared, no harm, no damage just a waist of time. The anger subsided and I learned many more valuable lessons. Everyday I am  making my decisions to be present and to let go. I have decided that trust and faith are the energies I need to keep close to my heart. When I let go miracles happen. When I am in th...

A Reflection of Me

Dear Self, What have you done lately to let them in? There comes a point where you have to practice what you preach. You have told them about the Narcissist you grew up with and the one you married (duh) but have you told the about the narcissist inside? HEY! Listen, you've admitted to being shallow and allowing the gifts to be your source of love but have you admitted the gifts were also the barrier you created to keep everyone at a distance. This is the part in my healing that I start to take risks. I have admitted to mistakes and fear that led me to the path that I lived for 20 years. I admitted that once I became responsible for my life I allowed the victim to shape my decisions. But I never really took a look at what it was behind the victim mask that I wore that allowed me to repeat the cycle over and over and over again. It was not luck of the draw that every single romantic relationship I had and every single platonic friendship I had were on my term...


Dear G, Jim Carey is floating around social media right now with the headline "Is He Crazy" one vlogger has used the current hip language to label him as "woke". Jim Carey is seen in interviews saying things like "none of this is real, I am not real, you are not real, none of it matters". It's quite easy for the media to dismiss him as being the next crazy to stir up Hollywood drama. As a matter of fact this is their job. That's how they keep us a sleep and "tuned in/out". Media uses the buzz words "stay tuned, tune in" but why do we watch? We watch to tune out. After a long day I want to come home and watch MINDLESS entertainment. The media knows this. They know I have let go of consciousness and am taking in the images. This is how they get you. They sell you  an idea of what happiness is from food to cars to body image and everything in between and around the edges. It's not a conspiracy theory or paranoia, it's...

Elias and Elise

Hello little ones, Your life is about to change. Change will always be part of the journey and sometimes it's scary but there is always a reason. This change will make you change your perspective and you  may wind up with a lot of resent toward me. What you need to know is everything I do and have done is to protect you. I thought about it for a long time and I prayed about it as well. The answer was loud and clear. I'd rather you hate me for a lifetime than live with the burden of The Beast in control of your life for even a second. The decision I had to make was based on actions your father took before we were divorced. I know you want to believe it is in the past and he is changing, getting help but recent activity has proved otherwise. I  don't want to believe that he would ever hurt you but I also never wanted to believe he would do the things he has already done. I  was ignorant and naïve for 13 years. I turned my back while he did his...

I am a Who looking for my Whoville

Dear G,  I wake up with a smile on my face and love in my heart. I want to thank you for the strength you have helped me gain. The strength not to fear, the strength to smile while the Grinch steals my tree, my gifts and my food. I know my real gift is my love. The gift you have given me in the past two years is the belief that I will survive. I can go through the worst of the worst and I will survive.  Its more about pure survival that has truly taught me how strong I am. When you survive your worst nightmare you know joy, you know happiness in the heart, you know appreciation for life. I now know that I can be stripped of everything but I can never be stripped of me. I will always have me and I will always have more to give.  I don't know why no one wanted to hear me in 2015 or why she contacted me again in 2017. I don't know why the lawyer believes me now that he is a rapist of more than one and didn't believe me then. I don't know why she choose ...


Dear Beast, Justice isn't always served, well not in the way we can see.   I did everything I could to get my kids away from a rapist. Every single piece of information I was given I shared, I posted, I published in a book.     I took ownership a long time ago for marrying a rapist but I am not going to continue to pay for that mistake. I was shallow and blind and prayed off my weakness. He kept me locked in my own hell and tortured woman around me.     I will not take the blame for his actions against women. I did not rape you. Little girl lost, he did. I did not invite you into my home, you begged for me to bring you peace. I did not even choose this fight, you came to me again two years later and asked me to do it for you.     If you want to back out that is okay also. I will also have to back out. I will continue to pray that you find peace. I know you say you are happy and god knows I hope that is true but why seek me out ...

Do we have to compromise?

Dear Now, I am beautiful   I am strong I am surrounded by love and family   I have amazing friends and a community full of positive vibes.   My kids are happy. My abundance is ever increasing. I travel sharing and collecting stories from the dinner tables around the world.   I have a life with purpose. A life that teaches the masses. Yet I live fluid among them. The poor the hungry the hurt come for love and I willingly fill them up without ever depleting my own well.     Travel with community and experience. Living in joy spreading that joy. I want to workout at every box or OTF any place community is being built and stories are being shared. I want to eat the best food our planet has to offer and I want to share these experiences and connections through story writing and photography. What I was always meant to do.     I want to raise the most successful young woman and man there can be. I want t...